
Compare and contrast the facebook and parexel situations

Begin by viewing the following:

Facebook Vent Against Supervisor Not Grounds for Firing,

Retrieved from www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/social.media/11/09/facebook.firing/

Parexel International, LLC, 356 NLRB No.82 (2011).

Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT5hljA3WCU

Then review

No concerted protected activity, no problem-the NLRB recognizes "pre-emptive strike" retaliation (March 14, 2011). Retrieved from


Also review-Employees recording & publicizing management's union communications, retrieved from


After reviewing the above information please respond to the following questions:

• Compare and contrast the Facebook and Parexel situations/ outcomes. Be sure to discuss what is meant by "protected concerted activity."

• Discuss how this term affects union and union-free workplaces.

• How can HRM ensure that they are not violating employees' protected concerted activity rights?

Bring in at least 4 additional library sources to help strengthen your discussion.

Paper length: 4 pages, not counting cover and reference pages.

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing on your background reading and research.

Information Literacy: Evaluate resources and select only library/web-based resources that provide reliable, substantiated information.
Give authors credit for their work.

Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your text as footnotes or numbered end notes, or use APA style of referencing.

Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a list of references, headings/subheadings, and a strong introduction and conclusion). Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and word-usage errors.

Required reading

Detert, J. R., & Treviño, L.,K. (2010). Speaking up to higher-ups: How supervisors and skip-level leaders influence employee voice. Organization Science, 21(1), 249-270,306,308.

Dudrey, J.B. (May 13, 2011). NLRB memo provides insight for employers on social media. Retrieved from https://www.barran.com/display-alert.asp?AlertID=95

Facebook Vent Against Supervisor Not Grounds for Firing, Retrieved from www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/social.media/11/09/facebook.firing/

McCabe, D. M., & Lewin, D. (1992). Employee voice: A human resource management perspective. California Management Review, 34(3), 112-112.

No concerted protected activity, no problem-the NLRB recognizes "pre-emptive strike" retaliation (March 14, 2011). Retrieved from https://www.martindale.com/labor-employment-law/article_Obermayer-Rebmann-Maxwell-Hippel-LLP_1255826.htm

Parexel International, LLC, 356 NLRB No.82 (2011). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT5hljA3WCU

Salesman Gets New Comp Plan.


Optional Reading

Adelman, K. S. (2010). Employee voice and upward communication: A phenomenological collective case study of leadership behaviors in performance excellence award winning health organizations. Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 172. Retrieved from ProQuest (815412227).

Brass, L. (2011, February 14). Monitoring modern-day employee communications. Daily Herald, 20. Retrieved from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2266032981).

Campanelli, M. (1993). How to reward all your sales forces. Sales and Marketing Management, 145(4), 63-63.

Employees recording & publicizing management's union communications, retrieved from


Employment Law Information Network. (Browse for useful related articles.)

Retrieved from https://www.elinfonet.com/fedarticles/7/12


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