
Compare and contrast the characteristics of

Research Design

To prepare for this discussion assignment, read the information about Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at the National Institute of Mental Health website.

Develop a research question on an aspect of PTSD. Make sure it is phrased as a researchable question. For example, questions containing the word "should" call for a value judgment and thus are generally not researchable.

In your post, present preliminary plans for a research study to investigate your question.

PowerPoint or any other presentation software may be used to create a visual presentation of your research design. Audio content is optional.

The file for the presentation should be attached to your post, or if using a screencast, include a link to the online presentation. Regardless of the form of your presentation, your discussion post must include the following elements:

Compare and contrast the characteristics of non-experimental (descriptive and correlational) and experimental research designs.

State your research question, and specify whether the aim of the proposed research is to describe, predict, or explain.

Choose a research design to investigate your research question. Explain why this design is appropriate for the study.

Provide a brief overview of the study you would design.

Your post and presentation must utilize at least two peer-reviewed sources, in addition to your textbook, cited in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

It is highly recommended that you visit the Research Methods research guide in the Ashford Library to find peer-reviewed journal articles about research methods. All sources used for the post must be cited within the body of the post and included in the list of references at the end.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates' posts and presentations. Provide a substantive written response to at least two of your peers' initial posts.

Comment on the appropriateness of the research question and the appeal of the presentation.

Discuss whether or not you agree with their idea for designing the study. If you disagree, explain what you feel would be a better approach and why.

In addition to responding to at least two other students' original postings, it is recommended that you reply to at least one of those who responded to your presentation, either respectfully defending your choice of research design or describing how you might implement the changes your classmate suggested, if any.

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Dissertation: Compare and contrast the characteristics of
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