
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of

LP4 Assignment: Oil and Ethanol

This assignment will assess competency. Analyze the historical role of energy and how it has changed over time and. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of nonrenewable and renewable energy.

Directions: Complete the following Issues and Analysis Activities:

Part A. Drilling for Oil in Deep Water.

You need to read page 211 in your textbook. It concerns the Deepwater Horizon oil rig spill. Try to answer the following THREE questions:

If the cost of gasoline rose to $5.00 per gallon would you support offshore drilling?

Should the economic interest of the coastal stated be a part of the equation for deciding to drill off shore?

Are there ways to reduce dependence on oil that would make offshore drilling unnecessary?

Part B. Does Corn Ethanol Fuel Make Sense?

You need to read page 230 in the textbook. It relates to the use of ethanol as a renewable fuel, as well as the estimates for the amount of energy needed to produce ethanol. Answer the following THREE questions:

Because it is a renewable fuel, is it important to provide ethanol as a fuel?

Should the public be required to use ethanol fuel?

Should the production of ethanol be subsidized?

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Science: Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of
Reference No:- TGS02481435

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