
Compare and contrast presentations offered to other

Research topic: How HIV and AIDS Education may Influence young Adults to change their lifestyle in Kenya?

QUESTION 300words

Post Discussion: Tailoring Communications

As discussed in the introduction, research is pointless if the results are not shared with others. As a professional in the field of Public Health, you are expected to share research findings with other professionals, as well as members of the community. Communication needs to be tailored based on the characteristics of the target audience. While tables and figures are appropriate for all audiences, the way in which they are presented can vary.

Discussion Question and this week's assignment are designed to help you communicate with other professionals in peer-review journals and poser presentations. In contrast, this Discussion Question focuses on how you might present your research findings to members of the community for which they are relevant.

After reading "Communicating Results to Community Residents

"respond to the following:

1. Compare and contrast presentations offered to other professionals as opposed to members of the community.

2. Describe your plans to share your findings to members of the community including a description of your anticipated audience.

3. Detail how will you ensure that your presentation is appropriate, based on your target audience?

QUESTION  300words

Post Discussion: Using Tables and Figures

Tables and figures, when used correctly, are often the best way to present the results of systematic reviews and other research. Creating well-designed tables and figures is a skill. Many times, the best way to learn a new skill is to review how others have already applied that skill in their published results. The skill you must master for your research paper is the effective use of tables and figures to present your findings.

Using the results sections fromthreeof the studies you referenced in your literature review, respond to the following:

1. Discuss the effectiveness of the authors' use of tables to present their results.

2. Discuss the effectiveness of the authors' use of figures (if any) to present their results.

3. How will you apply what you've learned from these examples to effectively communicate your results?

QUESTION  400words

Submit Assignment: APA 6 Tables and Figures

In this week's readings, you learned of the importance of communicating your results clearly and concisely. You also learned that in Public Health, tables and figures are created based on APA 6 form and style requirements.

This week's assignment gives you the opportunity to practice communicating your results. Once your tables and figures have been approved, you will be able to use them in the results section of your paper.

Using the Table and Figure Template

and the other readings provided in this week's resources, create APA 6 formatted tables and figures to present your results.

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Other Subject: Compare and contrast presentations offered to other
Reference No:- TGS02710051

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