
Compare and contrast garavans 1991 and mccracken and

The Brief-

In building on Garavan's (1991) seminal model of Strategic HRD to develop their own model and definition of SHRD, McCracken and Wallace (2000) conclude with the proposition that "the relationship between HRD and corporate strategy lies at the heart of strategic HRD and at the heart of the development of a learning culture".

Compare and contrast Garavan's (1991) and McCracken and Wallace's (2000) models of Strategic SHRD and discuss how these can influence the future direction of the organisation in light of the above proposition.

You need to draw on appropriate theory and case/organisational examples to develop your arguments.

Essay Outline-

Your coursework should be in essay format although you are allowed to use headings and sub headings. Your essay should include the following key components:

-Introduction: 400 words

Provide an introduction that enables the reader to understand what the essay/report is going to be about.

-Body: 1,800 words

You will need to incorporate the following into the main part of your essay:

  • Defining SHRD
  • Importance / drivers of SHRD (PESTEL factors)
  • A critical comparison of the models of Garavan and McCracken and Wallace with organizational examples to support your arguments

-Conclusion: 300 words

Your conclusion should address the question asked at the outset and provide arguments as to whether the analysis of the literature provided enables agreement or disagreement with the quotation provided.

A list of references (adhere to the Harvard referencing Style)

References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author (no numbering of references).

-Appendices (if appropriate)

Word count: 2500 words.

Assessment Criteria: You will be assessed in accordance with the Edinburgh Napier University assessment criteria - Please refer to detailed marking criteria annexed. Of particular importance, your essay must be referenced following the Harvard Referencing System and you must support your arguments with appropriate academic theory. 

Recommended Reading:

McGuire, D. (2014) Human Resource Development. (Second edition). London: Sage Publications. Chapters 1 &9.

Garavan, T.N. (2007) 'A strategic perspective on Human Resource Development', Advances in Developing Human Resources, vol.9, no.1, pp.11 - 30.

Maxwell, G., Watson, S. and Quail, S. (2004) 'Service quality and Strategic Human Resource Development in the International Hotel Sector', Journal of European Industrial Training, vol. 28, nos.2/3/4, pp.159-183.

McCracken, M. & Wallace, M. (2000) 'Exploring strategic maturity in HRD - Rhetoric, aspiration or reality', Journal of European Industrial Training, vol.24, no.8, pp.425-467.

Sambrook, S. (2000) 'Talking of HRD', Human Resource Development International, vol.3, no.2, pp.159-178.

The above reading list provides you with a good theoretical starting point to engage with the terms of your brief. However, for better marks, you need to show evidence of wider reading and draw on appropriate case/organisational examples to illustrate your arguments.

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Dissertation: Compare and contrast garavans 1991 and mccracken and
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