
Compare and contrast different voice input devices


Consider the large variety of ways to input information to a computer: microphone (voice), touch screen, tablet, and various types of keyboards.

Using information that you have gathered from the internet, write a four page paper in which you discuss and compare input devices. In your summary, discuss where the technology is going. In the conclusion, elaborate on which device(s) you would choose to use or own. Use the questions below to help you in your research.

Be sure to copy and paste your sources at the end of your Case Study (at least 3 sources).

A. Compare and contrast different types of computer keyboards available currently (within the last two years; size, functionality, ease of use, etc.).

B. Name some devices that have touch screens.

a. Compare and contrast different touch screen devices. (Size, functionality, ease of use, etc.)

C. Name some devices that use voice input.

a. Compare and contrast different voice input devices.
b. When would voice input be useful or necessary?

D. How does a touch screen compare to keyboards and to voice input devices?

a. What applications and circumstances would make the touch screen the preferred choice?
b. What situations or circumstances would make the keyboard the preferred choice?
c. What applications or situations would make voice input the preferred choice?

E. Describe how each of these devices has been adapted for use by physically challenged individuals.

F. Where is input technology headed?

a. What is likely to become obsolete?

b. How does each of the following terms relate to keyboards, touch screens and voice input devices?

i. Artificial Intelligence
ii. Ergonomic
iii. Infrared

G. Was there something you found in your research that was really new and different? Do you think it will replace or significantly change the current commonly used devices?

H. Is there something that you have not found in your research that you believe would be useful and should be developed?

In conclusion, which of the items encountered in your research would you choose to own, assuming cost is not a factor? What factors led you to make this choice?

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Computer Engineering: Compare and contrast different voice input devices
Reference No:- TGS03312447

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