
Compare and contrast deductive and inductive reasoning


Written Assignment (Due Tuesday, 8:59 p.m. PST) (50 points):

This written assignment requirement is for an examination of the questions below, submitted in APA format, using 12 point font. It is expected that, based on the nature of this topic, that a concise yet thorough analysis will take between 5-8 pages of text, in addition to your cover page and reference page. No abstract is necessary for this paper. A total of 2 external scholarly sources, aside from your required text, must be cited in support of your material. Please post your assignment as a .doc file attachment by clicking on the

Assignment 4.3 title on the assignments page.

The ability to think critically and incorporate logic into an investigation are key components for success. Respond to each of the questions below, and when applicable, define terms in your own words and provide real or hypothetical examples to further explain your point.

1. Why is the intellectual process called analytical thinking an essential component of problem-solving in an investigation?

2. People often confuse the termcausation(e.g., cause and effect) withcorrelationof things observed. What is the difference between the two and why is it important for an investigator to understand these concepts?

3. Compare and contrast deductive and inductive reasoning and provide a hypothetical or real example of each type.

4. Below is an example of "Cause and Effect". Provide a real example of cause and effect using the format below. Be sure that your example is plausible and follows a logical sequence.

The famous saying, "Because of the loss of a horseshoe nail, the war was lost", illustrates an example of cause and effect.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.

For want of a horse, the rider was lost.

For want of a rider, the battle was lost.

For want of a battle, the war was lost.

1. Compare and contrast the differences between a belief, a hypothesis and an inference.

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Microeconomics: Compare and contrast deductive and inductive reasoning
Reference No:- TGS01803335

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