Write a three page Review () on part 1 and 2. Your review may include all aspects of the learning objectives or some partial selected areas of the learning objectives below.
Part 1: Subculture Theories
Learning Objectives
1: Discuss what is meant by a subculture.
2: Describe Cohen's view of gang behavior and how it forms.
3: Explain what Miller meant by lower-class focal concerns.
4: Compare and contrast community opportunities as seen by Cloward and Ohlin and how they contribute to gang activity.
5: Discuss some of the programs designed to offset the negative influences of gangs in inner cities.
Part 2: Labeling Theory
Learning Objectives
1: Explain what is meant by retrospective interpretation.
2: Describe labeling as both a conflict and a process theory.
3: Define the concept of master status and what it means for rehabilitation.
4: Distinguish between Lemert's view of primary and secondary deviance.
5: Discuss the link between societal reaction and labeling.