
Compare and contrast an aspect of employment relations in


Maximum length: 2,000 words

Essay question:

Compare and contrast an aspect of employment relations in any two Southeast Asian countries. What are the causes of the differences between the two?

You may choose any aspect of employment relations for this essay. Two suitable aspects of employment relations would be the state and trade unions.

You must choose only one topic or aspect for the essay. But obviously, that topic or aspect can have various sub-topics to it.

The focus of the essay should be on answering the specific essay question you have been asked. In your introduction, you should have a brief thesis statement, or answer to both parts of the question. That is, you need to explicitly say: in relation to this aspect of ER, the two countries are very similar/ or completely different/ or similar in some respects but different in others/ or whatever.

In your intro, you should also briefly state the main reasons why the two countries are similar/different/similar in some respects but different in others/whatever.

There is no specific requirement for you to necessarily discuss the role of the state or trade unions, unless you choose one of those topics/aspects. However, obviously the state plays a very significant role in shaping many aspects of employment relations in most countries, so you will probably need to discuss the role of the state for most topics. Similarly, with trade unions: in considering why countries differ in regard to many aspects of ER, the role of unions will probably be relevant.

The Journal of Industrial Relations devoted a whole edition in 2016 (vol. 58, no. 2) to employment relations and the state in Southeast Asia, with articles on Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Cambodia and Myanmar. Two of those articles would provide a solid basis for your research for this essay. You would also need to find additional materials to supplement those JIR articles.

Benson and Zhu (2008) has chapters on unions in Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Any two of those chapters would provide a good foundation for an essay on unions - again, those two chapters would need to be supplemented with additional materials of your own.

• Benson, J & Ying Zhu,Y (eds) 2008, Trade unions in Asia: An economic and sociological analysis, Routledge, London.

Other suitable topics for comparison in the essay could include:

• Collective bargaining
• Contingent or precarious work
• Strikes or industrial conflict
• Regulatory standards and minimum wage
• Management style
• Maternity leave
• Gender equity
• Work-life balance
• Teleworking

You would need to ensure there is sufficient relevant academic literature available on that topic in your two preferred Southeast Asian countries.

Essential materials for the essay

You must use a minimum of six scholarly sources in your essay.

Assignment marking criteria

The assignment is an essay question and your answer must be in essay format; that is, it must be structured around an argument that answers the question.

The essay will be marked according to the following criteria: understanding of the issues raised by the question and comprehensiveness; written expression; structure; use of sources; originality; and presentation.

Other requirements

Use 12 point font, 1.5 or double line-spacing and 2cm wide margins. Number your pages.

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Business Management: Compare and contrast an aspect of employment relations in
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