
Compare and contrast a freestanding restaurant and a hotel

"The Restaurant Business" Please respond to the following:

The Restaurant Business

Compare and contrast a freestanding restaurant and a hotel restaurant to differentiate the two (in terms of demographics served, traffic patterns, etc.).

The location of a restaurant is very important to its financial success. Analyze key location criteria to determine which two are the most important to a restaurant's success.

"Restaurant Operations" Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity and Chapter 7, analyze the ideas for supporting sustainable restaurant operations and make at least two additional recommendations that could be added to the list. Explain the rationale for the recommendations you made.

From the simulation and the Explore-It activity, determine the best way to seamlessly integrate front of the house and back of the house operations for the restaurant you selected. Provide specific examples to support your response.

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Other Management: Compare and contrast a freestanding restaurant and a hotel
Reference No:- TGS01772524

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