Compare and contrast how the mhc bcr and tcr differ in the

Using the given table, answer the following questions:

Place each of the given entries (by number) into one of the following "bins", use only the space provided, multiple entries can be put on a given line.





















If you were an antigen, using the numbers above diagram for me how you enter a host, what you would encounter along the way, and how you would think you would be eliminated from the host. Use only the space provided (this side of the page).

Compare and contrast how the MHC, BCR, and TCR differ in the way they are able to respond/present 10^11 possible antigens. You can use the numbers above or your own words, use only the rest of this page.

1. Adaptive Immunity 44. CR1 87. IgM 130. Opsonization
2. ADCC 45. CR2 88. IL-1 131. Oxygen Burst (Respiratory Burst)
3. Addressin 46. CR3 89. IL-10 132. Perforin
4. Adjuvant 47. CRP 90. IL-12 133. Phagocytosis
5. Agglutination 48. CXC Chemokine 91. IL-2 134. Phagosome
6. Allergy 49. CXXC Chemokine 92. IL-3 135. Pinocytosis
7. Alpha-Beta T cell 50. Decay Accelerating Factor 93. IL-4 136. Plasma Cell
8. Alternate Activation of Complement Cascade 51. Dendritic cells 94. IL-6 137. Platelets
9. Anaphylotoxins 52. Diapedesis 95. IL-8 138. Primary Immune Response
10. Anergy 53. Endothelial cells 96. Inflammation 139. Primary Lymphoid Organs
11. Antibody Repertoire 54. Endotoxin 97. Innate Immunity 140. Pus
12. Antigen Repertoire 55. Eosinophils 98. Integrin 141. Pyogenic bacteria
13. Antigenic drift 56. Epithelial Cells 99. KAR 142. Red Pulp
14. Antigenic shift 57. Epitope 100. Kinin System 143. Secondary Immune Response
15. Anti-idiotype 58. Erythrocytes 101. KIR 144. Secondary Lymphoid Organs
16. Apoptosis 59. Exotoxin 102. Lectin Activation of Complement Cascade 145. Selectin
17. BALT 60. Factor B 103. LFA-1 146. Serotypes
18. Basophils 61. Factor D 104. LFA-2 147. Sinus
19. BCR 62. Factor I (as in "eye" not "one") 105. LFA-3 148. Skin
20. Bone Marrow 63. Factor P 106. Low pH 149. Somatic mutation
21. Bradykinin 64. Fatty acids 107. LPS binding protein 150. Spleen
22. CC Chemokine 65. Follicles 108. Lymph Node 151. Super antigen
23. CD1 66. f-peptide 109. Lymphatics 152. T cytolytic
24. CD16 67. Free Radical 110. Lysosome 153. T suppressor
25. CD19 68. GALT 111. Lysozyme 154. TCR
26. CD2 69. Gamma-Delta T cell 112. MAC 155. TCR Repertoire
27. CD20 70. Germinal Centers 113. macrophages 156. TD antigens
28. CD3 71. Germline rearrangement 114. MALT 157. TH1 lymphocyte
29. CD4 72. Graft Rejection 115. Mannose Receptor 158. TH2 lymphocyte
30. CD40 73. Granzyme 116. Mast cells 159. Thymus
31. CD40L 74. Hepatocyte 117. MBP 160. TI-1 antigens
32. CD45 75. Humoral Response 118. Medulla 161. TI-2 antigens
33. CD5+ B cells 76. ICAM-1 119. Memory Cells 162. TNF-alpha
34. CD5- B cells 77. ICAM-2 120. MHC Class I 163. Tolerance
35. CD59 78. Idiotype 121. MHC Class II 164. Toll-like receptors
36. CD8 79. IFN-alpha 122. Monocytes 165. Type I hypersensitivity
37. CD80 80. IFN-beta 123. Mucus 166. Type II hypersensitivity
38. CD86 81. IFN-gamma 124. Natural Killer Cell 167. Type III hypersensitivity
39. Cell lysis 82. Ig 125. Necrosis 168. Type IV hypersensitivity
40. Cell Mediated Response 83. IgA 126. Neutralization 169. White Pulp
41. Classical Activation of Complement Cascade 84. IgD 127. Neutrophils 170. Wound Healing
42. Complement activation 85. IgE 128. NK cells
43. Cortex 86. IgG 129. Normal Flora

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