
Comparative essay on imagery of the human body


Choose three works of art to write a comparative essay on imagery of the human body in art of these three cultures; one from the Aegean period, one from the Greek period and one from the Roman period. The best essays will chose a theme and describe an evolution of the representation of the human body in art from the Aegean through the Roman periods. For each artwork you chose, include the following identifying information (if available): title, artist, date artwork was created, medium, and culture/period.

Describe, compare and analyze each artwork using at least 3 of the most relevant elements of art and principles of design terms. Take into consideration the artwork's style based on the readings and utilize relevant vocabulary we have learned. Make sure to write a comparative analysis, not just a description with a short comparison at the end.

Once you briefly describe the work, Integrate your visual analysis into the larger theme of context through comparing and contrasting the three art works. You only need use the textbook and lecture reading, address how the subject and style of each artwork reflect the historical and cultural context of the period. (Please do not google the works you chose and simply copy the information you find; you will receive no points for that. You can use additional research but it must be an appropriate scholarly source, if online, it must be from a website ending in .edu or .org.) Think about the culture in which the work was created. What do the work's appearance and its choice of art elements and design principles tell us about the cultural beliefs and meaning?

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History: Comparative essay on imagery of the human body
Reference No:- TGS01946075

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