Company law acc2006 - corporate governance and company

Assessment Description

Each student is required to research for relevant newspaper articles and contemporary ideas/issues as well as keeping a diary of their progressive learning based on the weekly topics as per Subject Outline throughout the weeks of the course. The weekly topics are provided below on the last page.

can you make an reflective jounal of 9 chapters summary and add 1 article for each

Journal Topics

Week 1 Alternative Business Structures - Sole Traders, Companies, Partnerships, Trusts and Associations.

Week 2 Companies and Incorporation

Week 3 Company Constitution

Week 4 Promoters, Outsiders' Dealing with companies and Corporate Liability

Week 5 Membership, members' powers and dividends

Week 6 Corporate Governance and Company Management

Week 7 Introduction to Directors' and Officers' Duties

Week 8 Financing a company via equity/debt, share capital transactions.

Week 9 Members' Remedies

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Dissertation: Company law acc2006 - corporate governance and company
Reference No:- TGS02897078

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