
Company law - bbal401 - explain the relevant law relating

Learning Outcomes:

- Recognise the laws relating to companies in Australia; and
- Examine the duties, rights and responsibilities of company officers

1. Select a case below to find, read, understand and present.

2. The length of the written assignment is to be approximately 2000 Words.

3. The written assignment and presentation slides must be in the IRAC method. Maximum 8 slides, and three short points per slide.

4. Present two parts of the IRAC method (I= issues and facts; Relevant laws and principles; A= Arguments of the parties and analysis, C= conclusion and court outcome).

You see a list of cases, my case assignment is 24. Hall v Poolman. Along with the case there's instructions written at the start, about how the assignment should be done and what information should be included.

Assignment should be in the format of IRAC method.

Case Options

1. Forrest v ASIC (2014)
2. ASIC v Citigroup (2007)
3. ASIC v Soust (2010)
4. North v Marra Developments Ltd (1981)
5. Fame Decorator Agencies Pty Ltd v Jeffries Industries Ltd (1998)
6. Gambotto v WCP Ltd (1995)
7. Northside Developments Pty Ltd v Registrar-General (1990)
8. Permanent Trustee Australia Ltd (as Trustee of Advance Property Fund) v Stout and Others (1999)
9. Nassar v Innovative Precasters Group Pty Ltd (2009)
10. McGellin v Mount King Mining NL (1998)
11. Beck v Weinstock (2013)
12. Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd (in liq) (1986)
13. ASIC v Hellicar (2012)
14. ASIC v Lindberg (2012)
15. Shafron v ASIC (2012)
16. ASIC v Healey (2011)
17. Vines v ASIC (2006)
18. ASIC v Adler (2002)
19. Brunninghausen v Glavanics (1999)
20. ASIC v Rich (2003)
21. ASIC v Parker (2003)
22. ASIC v Loiterton (2004)
23. ASIC v PFS Business Development Group Pty Ltd (2006)
24. Hall v Poolman (2007)
25. ASIC v Australian Investors Forum Pty Ltd (No. 2) (2005)
26. State of South Australia v Marcus Clark (1996)
27. ASIC v Vizard (2005)
28. ASIC v McDonald (No.11) (2009)
29. ASIC v NRMA (2002)
30. ASIC v Plymin (2003)
31. ASIC v Cyclone Magnetic Engines Inc (2010)
32. ASC v MacLeod (2000)
33. Biodiesel Producers Ltd v Stewart (2007)
34. AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd v Direct Share Purchasing Corporation Pty Ltd (2009)
35. Wilson v Manna Hill Mining Corporation Pty Ltd (2004)
36. Wenzel v ASX Ltd (2002)
37. R v Rivkin (2004)
38. Kwok v R (2007)
39. Isak Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd v Faress (2003)
40. Capricornia Credit Union Ltd v ASIC (2007)


Identify the facts of the case

Explain the relevant law relating to the case

Discuss the legal arguments raised by the parties in case

Summarise the judgement of the case

Illustrate the role, purpose and scope of the relevant court, or tribunal.

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Business Law and Ethics: Company law - bbal401 - explain the relevant law relating
Reference No:- TGS01492630

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