
Comp 0330 - system software - evaluate a range of tools and

Assignment Purposes

This assignment aims to

- Introduce students to concepts underpinning computing environments.
- Introduce students to concepts underpinning the wide range of systems software and other software-

Assignment Purposes This assignment aims to

- Introduce students to concepts underpinning computing environments.

- Introduce students to concepts underpinning the wide range of systems software and other software-based computing tools that together provide a computing environment.

- Makes the student to research, evaluate and assimilate the results of their findings into a self created report.

- Enhance the academic report writing skills of the student.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this assignment, students will be able to:

- Critically discuss the evolution of computer systems with respect to advances n technology and changing system software requirements.

Evaluate a range of tools and services provided by systems software and explain the relationships that exist between them.

Demonstrate an understanding of and to carry out a critical evaluation of different commercial compilers Assignment Question/s

You are required to complete three sections for the fulfillment of this coursework.

System Software (COMP 0330)-SPRING- 16- CW2 (ASMT)-QP

"The advances in technology play a vital role in the evolution of computer systems which demands changes in system software requirements toe. Discuss this statement within the context of distributed and client server type systems with necessary illustrations and examples.

Your elaboration should have a minimum of 400 words of your own apart from the referred contents.

This section carries 5 marks, 1 marks for the justification; 2 marks each for contextualizing to distributed and client server systems; 2 marks for the elaboration of changes in system software.

Section B

Elaborate the services provided by the system software tools such as compiler, loader and linker within the context of the execution of a program and explain the relationships that exist between them.

Analyze any one of commercial compilers of Java programming language within the context of basic compiler functions such as grammar, lexical analysis, syntactic analysis and code generation.

Your analysis should have a minimum of 400 words of your own apart from the referred contents. This section carries 0 marks; 1 mark each for the relevance of compiler functions.

You are required to submit your assignment as a report as per the following guidelines.

Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment.

- Assignment should be typed and a softcopy is to be submitted on moodle.

- Handwritten assignments will not be accepted

- The assignment should not be more than pages in (size A4) paper. Minimum acceptable size is 3 pages.

Part A

- Distributed system
- Client and server

Part B:

What is compiler?

What are services given by loader?

What is linker?

What are services given by linker?

What is the relation between them or how they work together?

Part C:

What is java compiler?

Why it's used?

Function of java compiler?

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Software Engineering: Comp 0330 - system software - evaluate a range of tools and
Reference No:- TGS01418938

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