
commutatively of connectivesyou will be aware

Commutatively of Connectives

You will be aware from the fact that some arithmetic operators have a property that it does not matter which way around you give the operator input. We call this property commutatively. For instance, when adding 2 numbers, it does not matter which one comes first, because a+b = b+a forall b and a. The similar is true for multiplication but not true for divisionand subtraction.

The ∧,∨ and <-> connectives (which operate on two sub sentences), also have the commutatively property. We can express this with 3 tautologies:

P ∧ Q ≡ Q∧ P

P ∨ Q ≡ Q ∨P

P <-> Q = Q <-> P

So, if it helps to do so, whenever we see P ∧ Q, we may rewrite it as Q ∧ P, and similarly for the other 2 commutative connectives.

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Computer Engineering: commutatively of connectivesyou will be aware
Reference No:- TGS0162392

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