
Community service is donated service or activity that is

Community service is donated service or activity that is performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public or its institutions.

How will your service impact the community?

Volunteers may provide community service, however, not everyone who provides community service is seen as a volunteer, because some people who provide community service are not doing it of their own free will; they are compelled to do so by:

  • their government as a part of citizenship requirements, in lieu of military service (such as the practice of Zivildienst in Germany);
  • the courts, in lieu of, or in addition to, other criminal justice sanctions;
  • their school, to meet the requirements of a class, such as in the case of service learning or to meet the requirements of graduation, or, in the case of parents, required to provide a certain number of hours of service in order for their child to be enrolled in a school or sports team.


Step 1.  Based upon the definition above the student should select a primary and analternate site to complete 10 hours of community service.

Step 2Community service selections is due by: _________________________________.

Complete the organization name, location, contact person and telephone/email where you plan to complete the service. If you are currently doing community service- see the Instructor.

community service SELECTIONS

Primary Service Choice:

Name of Organization:


Contact Person:

Phone Number:


Secondary Service Choice:

Name of Organization:


Contact Person:

Phone Number:


Step 3.  Community Service Log. The Project/Program Supervisor/Coordinator should sign the log on the day of service.  The Community Service log should be submitted with your final paper on _____________.  Instructions on how to complete the log can be found under the section titled: "How to Complete the Community Service Log".

Step 4 - ESSAY. The paper should be no more than 1500 words. The paper should be typed double spaced, using Times New Roman or Arial and font size no larger than 11 or 12.  The paper should reflect the student's experience, the sociological significance of the organization, its role in society. The paper should be completed AFTER the student completes his or her community service hours. 

Step 5Paper is due ______________________. NO EXCEPTIONS. The student will submit the assignment in class. The packet should include an essay and log sheet. The cover page is the first page of this document, include it with the packet.

Step 6 - PRESENTATION - Each student will do a short presentation (no more than 2 minutes). Use your creativity when presenting.

How to complete the Community Service Log

Complete the top portion of the form with your name and section number. Be sure to obtain a signature from a supervisor, team leader or organizational leader.  Some organizations will print out a log and sign it.

Attachment:- The Community Services.rar

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Dissertation: Community service is donated service or activity that is
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