
Communication style-provide evidence

Suki is an international student:

Case One:

Suki is an international student enrolled in the first semester of an undergraduate degree at an Australian university. This is the first time she has been away from her family and friends. She has found the transition to life in Australia extremely difficult. However, recently Suki started a part-time job at a small boutique through which she has started to make friends and socialise more. Suki’s parents do not want her to work while she is studying and have told her if her grades suffer, they will withdraw the financial support they currently provide. As a result, Suki decides not to tell her parents that she is working. She tells herself that this is not lying as long as they never ask her if she has a job. In her home country, Suki was a high achieving student and had never experienced any issues in relation to her academic progress. She believes she will be able to maintain the same standards while studying in Australia.

Everything seems to be going well for Suki. However, as her mid-semester exams approach she realises that she is behind in most of her units. In addition to her exams, she has several assignments due and she starts missing classes in order to try to catch up. She tells her friend Benji that she does not know what to do and that she is sure that she will fail her assessment. Benji tells her not to worry as his cousin is in the second year of the same degree that Suki is enrolled in. Benji reassures Suki that he will be able to get a copy of all past assessment items from his cousin. Suki is concerned and asks Benji what she will do with his cousin’s assessment. Benji advises Suki not to worry and that all students copy from each other. Suki recalls all her lecturers warning students about plagiarism and the consequences if caught. However, she feels she has no alternative and uses Benji’s cousin’s assignments. She believes that no one will ever know as she makes some changes and her Turnitin reports do not show a high percentage of copying. However, later in semester Suki receives an email from one of her lecturers asking her to attend an appointment to discuss her assessment


Three body paragraphs


You have to use the references that I provide NO paraphrase you have to use ten direct quotations with page numbers and use Ethics in business theory.

I uploaded the case study criteria sheets. and the instructions on the power poin introduction: wide then narrow and thesis statements
body paragraph: communication style + provide evidence + references + possible solution

Conclusion: restate the problem + Provide a summary of aspects contributing to the problem + make a practical suggestion AS how the problem could be solved + End on a broad statement in relation to the theoretical nature of the problems

For the exam, you must write a correctly structured case study essay of approximately 1200 words in which you apply your analytical problem-solving skills to a chosen situation. Your analytical response must be based on relevant communication theory as covered in this unit. You are required to incorporate theory into your essay as both direct quotes or paraphrases from a reference page (see details below) prepared in advance. Each quotation and/or paraphrase that you include in your essay must be relevant and well-incorporated.

Your essay will be assessed on your ability to:

  • Recognise and apply relevant communication theory as presented in the unit
  • Analyse, synthesise and evaluate information
  • Structure a case study essay
  • Use academic language and tone
  • Select and incorporate references in-text
  • Use appropriate referencing conventions

Reference Page Requirements

• On one side of a single sheet of A4 paper, list 10 one-sentence direct quotations NOT paraphrases which support your case study response.

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Other Subject: Communication style-provide evidence
Reference No:- TGS01431767

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