
Communication policy of media

Problem 1: India is a huge economy undergoing considerable growth. CNN, a U.S cable news channel, cracked the Indian market by teaming up with Doordarshan, the government-owned network. However, CNN?s launch was flawed with communication problems. Network teaser footage, feature cattle blocking traffic in Bombay. Since cattle are considered sacred by Hindus, this footage offended many in India’s population. CNN Vice President responded to the network’s critics by announcing that the teaser was really an analogy that pointed up the “bullishness” of the Indian economy. His remarks did little to quiet critics who suggested CNN was not presenting the correct image of modern India. If the Bombay footage was not enough, a CNN weather map showed the disputed province of Kashmir as part of Pakistan, not India. Another wave of protest hit the U.S network. One opposition party leader of India said the CNN-Doordarshan deal was a “sell-out” of the nation?s interests. He further added that the characteristics of the weather map were an “ominous pointer of the shape of things to come.”


1. Outline the communication policy which CNN could have employed to avoid the mentioned communication mistakes.

2. Suppose that CNN?s Vice President asked your advice about how to enhance the situation. Make a communication brief which would address the situation.

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Other Management: Communication policy of media
Reference No:- TGS04697

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