Some of the challenges listed in this week's reading ranged from communication, team performance, adhesion, adaptation, and decision making. The two (2) that stuck out to me or seemed more challenging than the others would be communication and decision making.
Communication is tricky in any relationship so just imagine trying to communicate with someone with a different language, dialect, and culture than you. Some ways to overcome this challenge would be to hire translators, make sure that all employees had the proper training training on each culture so they knew how to address their co-workers, make sure that things weren't lost in translation, pair employees with someone that came from a different culture so they could learn from each other.
Decision making would have to be the most challenging for me. You have to be totally aware of the fact that on a normal day people don't make the best decisions, so now let's add people from multiple cultures, with different morals and ideas of how things should be making a decision on your business. To solve this problem, I would have a meeting letting all employees know what my key goals were and let them know the guidelines that needed to be followed, and if they had any questions that they should direct the problem to a supervisor or up.