
Communication is huge during a conflict how well do you

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Organizational conflict which is also known as workplace conflicts can be understood as a state in which unrest or discomfort is felt by the organizational members with each other which could be the result of perceived or actual opposition of values, needs and the conflicts of interest of those people who work together.

The main reasons behind occurrence of workplace or organizational conflicts are as below:

· Poor communication

· Personality differences

· Goal or objective conflicts

· Difference in values

· High level of competition

· Unclear expectations

· Methods of conflict Resolution:

· Proper communication

· Understanding the difference of opinions

· Increasing the feeling of corporation and support

· Negotiation and mediation

· Diplomacy

In my past organization, conflicts started to arise between thee marketing and production department.

As production department was not producing the enough number of products so that the orders taken by the marketing department can be fulfilled. Which resulted in loss of sales and non-fulfillment of targets set for the marketing employees.

To overcome this issue, the meeting was conducted between the heads and the employees of both the department.

They discussed the problem in detail and the solution was found that there would be a daily exchange of order received and production report to the head of both the department and accordingly they can plan their activities.

WC: 214


Nelson, D. & Quick, C. J. (2013). Organizational Behavior. Science, the Real World, and You. (8th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning

My Professors question

Communication is huge during a conflict. How well do you think mediation or negotiation help during a conflict?

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Operation Management: Communication is huge during a conflict how well do you
Reference No:- TGS02668540

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