Communication for Healthy and Safe Work Environments
• AACN Standards for Health Work Environments The AACN standards for establishing and sustaining healthy work environments were established in 2005. The critical elements identified in the standards continue to serve as the framework for establishing an environment where communication is open and effective, and patient outcomes are a priority.
• AACN standards for establishing and sustaining healthy work environments: a journey to excellence. (2005). American Journal of Critical Care, 14(3), 187-197.
• Read this article by Kupperschmidt et al.: A healthy workenvironment... .
Kupperschmidt, B., Kientz, E., Ward, J., &Reinholz, B. (2010). A healthy work environment: it begins with you. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(1), 1.
• Read this article by Sherman and Pross: Growing future nurse leaders...
The first activity of this lesson is to do a self assessment on your emotional intelligence. I am sure you have all heard of Emotional Intelligence. But, before you move on to the learning activity of completing an Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment, watch this short video with Daniel Goleman introducing Emotional Intelligence. Dr. Goleman is a psychologist and authored the book "Emotional Intelligence" in 1995.
Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence
Activity 1: Emotional Intelligence Survey
Open the Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment , print it, and then write down your answers to the questions. There are 3 analysis questions at the end of the assessment.
Before you move on to activity 2, spend a few moments reflecting on this question:
• Why is emotional intelligence important as a nurse leader to a healthy and safe work environment?
You will write a short reflection paper (2 to 3 pages) composing responses to the following questions pertaining to a healthy and safe work environment.
1. Choose 1 of the 6 AACN Standards for a Healthy and Safe Work Environment (2005) that you are most interested in or are the most relevant to your work environment.
• What is an Organization's Role in assuring the standard is implemented and upheld?
• What is the leader's role in assuring the standard is implemented and sustained?
• What is your role in implementing and maintaining the standard in your workplace? Provide an example from your practice environment of how the standard has been implemented, or that you can implement yourself
2. An effective leader recognizes that each person has a unique background and set of life experiences, and brings a personal and cultural framework to each encounter. The differences between people can create unintentional misunderstanding resulting in conflict.
For conflict resolution activities to be successful, they must be based on an understanding of differences of those involved, as well as a respect for and appreciation of these differences. Consider the differences in your work group with regards to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, political beliefs, and socioeconomic background. Discuss three steps you have taken, or could take to support workplace inclusion.
3. Describe what you learned about your emotional intelligence from the "Emotional Intelligence Survey" and how it relates to supporting a healthy and safe work environment.
This is an informal piece of writing. Use the following guidelines as you complete this reflection.
1. A title page is not required.
2. Paper should be double spaced.
3. Write concisely. Ideally, paper should be 2 pages in length, but must not be greater than 3 pages. (excluding reference page).
4. Minimally, the paper should include in-text citations and reference to the AACN Standards for a Healthy and Safe Work Environment article. Additional supporting evidence is optional.
Adapted for the San Diego City College MESA Program from a model
By Paul Mohapel