
Communication diagrams and the crude matrix

I. Create a use case diagram that would illustrate the use cases for the following system: A Real Estate Inc. (AREI) sells houses. People who want to sell their houses sign a contract with AREI and provide information on their house. This information is kept in a database by AREI, and a subset of this information is sent to the citywide multiple listing services used by all real estate agents. AREI works with two types of potential buyers. Some buyers have an interest in one specific house. In this case, AREI prints information from its database, which the real estate agent uses to help show the house to the buyer (a process beyond the scope of the system to be modeled). Other buyers seek AREI’s advice in finding a house that meets their needs. In this case, the buyer completes a buyer information form that is entered into a buyer database, and AREI real estate agents use its information to search AREI’s database and the multiple listing service for houses that meet their needs. The results of these searches are printed and used to help the real estate agent show houses to the buyer.

J. Create a set of detailed use-case description for the real estate system in exercise I.

K. Perform a verification and validation walkthrough of the functional models of  the real estate system described in exercise I and J

P. Using the seven–step process described in this chapter, create a structural model for exercise I in chapter 4.

Q. Perform a verification and validation walkthrough for the structural model created for exercise P.

For the A Real Estate Inc. problem in Chapters 4 (exercises I, J, and K), 5(exercises P and Q),

1. Choose one use case and for each scenario, create a sequence diagram

2. Create a communication diagram for each scenario of the use case chosen in Question 1.

3. Create a behavioral state machine to depict one of the classes on the diagram you created for Chapter 5 P.

4. Perform a CRUDE analysis to show the interactivity of the objects in the system.

5. Perform a verification and validation walkthrough of the problem

For the A Real Estate Inc. problem in Chapters 4 (exercises I, J, and K), 5(exercises P and Q), 6(exercise D):

1. Perform a verification and validation walkthrough of the functional, structural, and behavioral models to ensure that all between-model issues have been resolved.

2. Using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix, create a package diagram of the problem domain layer.

3. Perform a verification and validation walkthrough of the package diagram.

4. Based on the analysis models that have been created and your current understanding of the firm’s position, what design strategy would you recommend? Why?

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Other Subject: Communication diagrams and the crude matrix
Reference No:- TGS01430955

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