
Communication between club staff and members is vitally

Question: CLUB NEWSLETTER: Project Specifications

Communication between club staff and members is vitally important. One of the most common types of communication comes in the form of the club newsletter. Newsletters are used by the professional staff of a club to inform members about special social functions, sporting activities, member news, charity functions, operating procedures and changes to club policies. The newsletter is generally a monthly publication, and its format is dictated by the creativity of the staff and the newsletter budget.

In this project, working in teams of two students, you are to create a hypothetical club. In a short 2-3 pages paper describe the club, the demographic profile of your membership, the physical facilities offered by the club, and the types of events/social functions and sporting activities held by the club. This paper will be worth 25 of the 200 points for the project and must be word-processed. Based on the profile you develop for your club, you must then create one monthly edition of that club's newsletter. This newsletter should be "camera ready." You will be graded on content, creativity and professionalism. The newsletter should be eight to ten pages in length and include at least the following:

• Names of board members and department heads

• Welcome to new members

• Operating hours

• Important phone numbers and addresses

• Member mailing layout

• Calendar of events

• Items of interest to your members, including at minimum the following features: promo for one major club food and beverage special event, article on dining room food and beverage, two or three sporting event articles (golf, tennis, aquatics, fitness center, etc.), article from the club president or general manager, and at least one additional miscellaneous news article or club promotion.

Remember: You will be graded not only on the variety of content, but also on the creativity of the functions you describe; as well as the attractiveness and functionality of the newsletter layout and design.

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Marketing Management: Communication between club staff and members is vitally
Reference No:- TGS02753236

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