
communication and reportingeffective

Communication and reporting

Effective communication among all project stakeholders is a leading factor to the success of a project. Sharing knowledge empowers every project stakeholder.

Effective means of communication is very essential to ensure efficient interaction between all project team members, stakeholders and external interfaces. Information technology is an important means for the exchange of  information. Initially communication helps to provide  clarity about the project's goals and objectives and subsequently support the day to day work of the project team. The process of reporting helps to communicate the progress of the project.    The major processes of project communication management are:

  • Communication planning: A written strategy for getting the right information at the right time to the right project stakeholder is called a communication plan.
  • Information distribution: This is the process of making necessary information available to project stakeholders in a timely manner.
  • Performance reporting: This is the process of collecting and circulating performance information. It also includes status reports, progress measurements and forecasts.
  • Administrative closure: It is the process of gathering, generating and circulating information to formalise phase or project completion.

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Project Management: communication and reportingeffective
Reference No:- TGS0161857

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