
communication among group membersmany different

Communication among group members

Many different groups or communities have a unique way communicating with each other. The members of the group expect communication to occur in a certain way and by specific means. Think of a group with which you belong.
This is what I choose

a. Groups of friends and other social organizations

Once you have the group in mind, answer the following questions regarding the group.

a. Explain what specialized terms might not be known to outsiders?

b. Explain what topics do members talk or write about? What topics are considered unimportant or improper?

c. What channels do members use to convey messages?

d. What forms of language do members use to build goodwill? To demonstrate competence or superiority?

e. What strategies or kinds of proof are convincing to members?

f. What formats, conventions, or rules do members expect messages to follow?

g. What are some nonverbal ways members communicate?

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Project Management: communication among group membersmany different
Reference No:- TGS0473514

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