
Communicating correctional policy implications

Discussion :

1: Communicating Correctional Policy Implications

You communicate the correctional policy implications put forth in this class to another person. To do so, you will have to take some time to summarize your thoughts about the course material and think about ways to effectively communicate these concepts. Think carefully about who you will approach and how to begin the conversation. It is important to consider how the individual you choose may react. Also, consider how to effectively deal with their questions and thoughts about the complex reality of corrections and the proposed approach to effectiveness.

For this Discussion, you complete this conversation and then share the experience in the post.

Find someone who is not familiar with the focus on this course: this person can be a family member, colleague, or friend.

Explain the correctional policy implications in the Learning Resources to them. Pay particular attention to their reaction and any clarifying questions they ask.

Reflect on your experience, and think about what you learned from explaining these correctional policy implications to someone.

Consider whether you would explain the concepts covered in this course differently next time. Could you emphasize different aspects of correctional policy instead of others? Do you think, based on the person's reaction, that his or her community would implement the policies you have put forth to them?

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief description of the explanation of correctional policy implications that you used for this discussion with the individual you selected. Describe the person you selected and their reaction. Finally, describe any communication difficulties you had in preparing for this final discussion and any insights you gained.

2: Criminal Justice Policy

As a policy maker it is important to understand your role in relation to the state of criminal justice affairs, the civilian population, and budgetary issues. How do these inform decision making about U.S. CRJS system policy? When examining the criminal justice policy institutes via a quick web search, how do they seem to be disseminating information and effecting policy? What are potential benefits and criticisms of their approaches?

For this Discussion, you identify existing criminal justice policy institutes or agencies. Consider how they impact policy.

Identify two U.S. criminal justice system policy development agencies, and explain how they relay information to policy makers. Explain how their actions directly affect policies. Explain possible challenges these agencies face when getting involved in the criminal justice policy discussion. Critically evaluate the cost-benefit of the agencies' approaches to policy implementation and changes.

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HR Management: Communicating correctional policy implications
Reference No:- TGS02104977

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