
Communicate trust worthiness of an internet store

For this assignment you work in a group (1 to 3 people per group).

Read the following articles and answer the question1 to 3 based on this article.

The first 14 pages of Cheskin Research and Studio Archetype/Sapient. eCommerce Trust Study, 1999 (available on the D2L).

1. The study lists six fundamental forms that communicate trust worthiness of an Internet store.

a. Explain what navigation means in this study. What are the three components of navigation and their respective meaning?

b. Explain what presentation means in this study. What are the three components of presentation and their respective meaning?

c. Explain what technology means in this study. What are the two components of technology and their respective meaning?

d. Explain what fulfillment means and what the five components of fulfillment are according to the eCommerce Trust Study above.

2. Visit JCPenney.com (https://www.jcpenney.com/) and currys.com (https://www.currys.com/).

Assess JCPenney.com regarding each of the five components of the fulfillment as stronger, similar, or weaker level when compared to currys.com. Your mark will be based on your justification and evidence yoz>??ovide. No mark will be given if no evidence is provided. Use a table format (e.g. the examples of columns include a component, your assessment of JCPenney.com in comparison to currys.com, and reasons of your assessment) to answer these questions (Within a table, you many use single line spacing).

3. Review currys.com’s checkout process and provide some suggestions to reduce shopping-cart-abandonment phenomena in currys.com.

Explore the Digital Future Project Report 2013 by USC (https://www.digitalcenter.org/reports/ and click 2013 to access the full report) and answer the question 4 to 11 based on this report (5% for each question). For your information, you do not have to read the whole report. (find the question-related parts from the table of content of the report)

4. For how many hours per week do Internet users spend time online in 2000 and in 2012 respectively? (Tips: see “6. Hours per week online” in the report)

5. What are the top three reasons of non-Internet users for not being online in 2012?

6. How many percentages of online purchasers spend more than $100 but less than $1,000 per month in 2012?

7. List three product categories, which are among the most popular in online purchases in 2012.

8. What are the two most-cited reasons, which would lead Internet users who buy online to make more purchases?

9. Compare the privacy concerns among non-users and users when or if buying online in 2012 to answer the following questions. How many percentage of users report the highest levels of concern (very concerned or extremely concerned)? How many percentage of non-users do so? Considering the results, who (users or non-users) have higher privacy concerns during online shopping?

10. Compare the security concerns with credit card information among non-purchasers and purchasers when or if buying online in 2012 to answer the following questions. How many percentage of purchasers report the highest levels of concern (extremely concerned)? How many percentage of non-purchasers do so? Considering the results, who (purchasers or non-purchasers) have higher security concerns with credit card information during online shopping?

11. Explain who Millennials are. Between Millenials and non-Millenials, which group spend more time watching television on a television set?

Visit Peter Buckland Gallery (https://www.peterbucklandgallery.ca/) and answer the following questions

12. What 7Cs elements are missing in this website?

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Reference No:- TGS01430825

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