
Common stages and patterns of development in english

This essay is for a graduate diploma course.

– Please make sure that the writer is not a student at Tabor College Victoria.

– Christian knowledge is required to complete this essay. However, please don’t go too deep into this topic as my teacher knows that I am not a Christian (I am learning to be a Christian).

– Please assign someone who either has a copy or access to “Literacy: Reading, writing and children’s literature. 5th Edition” – Oxford University Press, USA

– We only have access to EBSCO HOST (database). Please do not use any supporting documents which are not available for free on the internet and not in this database.

– Please use Australian Curriculum https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/english/curriculum/f-10?layout=1

– Please contact me if you do not have access to EBSCO HOST and need more journal articles.

– Please do not use many big words or very complicated grammar structure as English is not my first language.

– Please use PDF files that I upload on top of the above textbook. I need at least 6 sources, but you can use as many as you want.

Essay requirements:

2000 Words

In this essay you will review social, cultural and Christian perspectives on language; describe students’ common stages and patterns of development in English; and, examine the impact students’ diversities have on their learning bout and through English.

You will demonstrate a high level of personal proficiencies in English throughout.

Learning Outcomes

1. Describe students’ common stages and patterns of development in English

2. Examine the impact students’ diversities and contexts have on their learning about and through English

3. Demonstrate personal proficiencies in English

4. Review social, cultural and Christian perspectives on language

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Other Subject: Common stages and patterns of development in english
Reference No:- TGS01429132

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