
Common features of organizations

Select an organization with which you are well-known.

Make a 1,400 to 1,750 word paper which explains the culture and common features of the organization you have selected, given your present understanding of the common features of organizations.

Cite at least two peer-reviewed references in addition to the text and be sure to address the given questions in your paper:

1) How does your preferred organization exhibit the common features listed below?

a) System (example: individual units, open and closed)

b) Rules/norms (example: written, unwritten, formal and informal)

c) Hierarchy (example: chain of command, supervisor, administrator and manager)

d) Communication networks (example: formal and informal)

e) Organizational orientation (example: achievement, dogmatism and authoritarianism)

f) Leadership approaches (example: social, task and balanced)

g) Management communication or decision-making (example tell, sell, consult and join)

2) Which common features (choose at least four) from those listed above are most influenced by communication in the organization?

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Other Management: Common features of organizations
Reference No:- TGS023762

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