
Common equity of the kellogg company

Please do not submit any financial statements-just the answers and any calculations.

Using the annualized returns on 10-year treasury constant maturity rate bonds, the common equity of the Kellogg Company, and the S&P 500 index, calculate the following statistical measures:

- mean (of each individual asset),

- standard deviation (of each individual asset),

- variance (of each individual asset),

- skewness (of each individual asset),

- kurtosis (of each individual asset),

- covariance (between each pair of assets), and

- correlation coefficient (between each pair of assets).


1) If the data, as in the cases of Kellogg and the S&P 500 index, are given in terms of the price/level. You will need to:

use the holding period return to calculate the monthly return, and convert the monthly return to the annualized return.

2) The data for Kellogg (K) and the S&P 500 Index ($INX) can be obtained from MSN Money -


A help file for MSN Money is here -

https://home.ubalt.edu/staff/ntsbschr/Student Help Files/Using Money Central.doc

Data on 10-year treasury constant maturity rate bonds can be from the FRED2 database -


A help file for FRED 2 is here

https://home.ubalt.edu/staff/ntsbschr/Student Help Files/Using FRED 2.doc .

3) For your calculations, please use monthly price data for ten years (ending June 2004).

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Finance Basics: Common equity of the kellogg company
Reference No:- TGS01452068

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