
common endocrine disorderswe shall focus


We  shall  focus on  two conditions Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes inspidus. 

Diabetes Mellitus 

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disorder of glucose intolerance caused  by deficiency in  insulin production and action, resulting  in  hyperglycemia and abnormal carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. It  can  be  classified  into three major groups Insulin Dependent  (IDDM),  or  type I: This  is characterized  by catabolism and  the development of ketosis in  the absence of  insulin replacement therapy. Its onset  is typcially in  childhood  and  adolescence but can be at any age 

Non-insulin-dependent  (NIDDM), or  type 11:  It  involves  resistance to insulin action and defective glucose-mediated insulin secretion. Its onset is usually after the age 40. The  persons with  this type of DM  may  or may  not require daily insulin injections. 

Maturity-onset Diabetes  of Youth (MODY):  It is  transmitted  as an autosomal-dominant disorder in which there is formation of structurally abnormal insulin that has decreased biologic activity 

Type I, formerly called juvenile onset or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) most commonly occurs  in  younger children or school aged  children. Type  I  DM  affects as many  as 1  in  500 children. 

Type II diabetes mellitus (formerly called adult onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) was formerly found  in  only about 2 per cent of cases of diabetes in  children  and  adolescents. This is rapidly changing, and occurrence of Type  II diabetes is increasing among adolscents.  

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Biology: common endocrine disorderswe shall focus
Reference No:- TGS0176248

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