
Common components associated with a scada system

1. What are the common components associated with a SCADA system? Please provide a brief line or two describing each of the SCADA components you identify.

2. In 2010, "Stuxnet malware" was seemingly directed at the industrial control system of an Iranian nuclear research center. Could such a threat also affect SCADA systems connected with energy infrastructure? If so, how?

3. Research the internet or some other public source to find a SCADA incident/event. What happened and what were the impacts? Based on your readings, recommend at least three potential actions that could be taken to prevent such an incident in the future. Your example can be from anywhere in the world...it doesn't have to be a U.S. incident/event. Also, ensure you provide details to the three potential actions you cite that substantiate/back-up your recommendations.

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HR Management: Common components associated with a scada system
Reference No:- TGS0524965

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