
Commment on feature film made sergeant rutledge

General Instructions – Short Paper

3 to 5 page essay responding to prompts which will be provided. These are reaction papers, not plot summaries or research papers. The key element here is that you will be telling what you have to say about the film.

Be sure to spell the names of directors, actors, screenwriters, and other people correctly. Any name that is not listed in the credits that begin or end the film is a name you do not need to mention.

The papers will be graded based on such elements as evidence that you are reading and viewing the material the course content, references and comparisons to other films you have seen (in or out of class and throughout your lifetime as a movie watcher), and especially to films you have previously written about; use of the film vocabulary introduced in class; clear presentation of your opinions; reasonable explanations and justifications to support those opinions; and college-level writing skills (spelling, punctuation, and grammar). Other criteria will be presented to you as appropriate.

Paper One Assignment for Film One (F1)

Part 1: View the feature film made Sergeant Rutledge (1960) directed by John Ford starring Jeffrey Hunter, Constance Towers and Woody Strode.

Comment on the specific film. Pay particular attention to the camerawork (cinematography) the editing (montage) and the sound (this can include the music). What did you like, and what did you dislike, about what you saw? Why do you like the things you like, and why do you dislike the things you dislike? Is the film a good film, or is it not? (Note: This is not the same question as whether or not you liked it. It is entirely possible to like a film that you are aware is not very good.) Comment on the film both as a representative of its genre and as a film.

Part 2: Now that you have commented on the specific film you viewed, see if you can draw some general conclusions about the work of the director and one of the main actors or actresses. For example “Did you like ______ as a filmmaker? Did you like _____ in the roll of a ______ ? Why, or why not? Be sure to comment on the overall impression you had of the film, including how you see it as an example of its genre and time period. Remember, this is not a research paper. Interested in what you have to say, not in what you can learn by reading up on the film or the filmmaker.

Part 3: On a separate page, insert the heading “My Criteria for Quality in Film.” (This counts as one of your 3-5 pages.)

Under that heading, use your comments about this film and its filmmaker as guidelines toward proposing five general statements indicative of your personal taste in movies.

MY Criteria for Quality in a Film

1. Well written script with active characters who make decisions that lead them down a path.
2. Well written dialogue that sounds natural.
3. Good actors and actresses that add their own touch to the movie.
4. A great story line. The audience can connect to the story.
5. Evokes emotions.

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