committee of

Committee of Inspection:

                                      A committee of inspection is appointed in a compulsory liquidation and in a creditors' voluntary liquidation. It usually comprises such number of representatives of members and of creditors as may be agreed on by the meeting of creditors and contributors.  If they disagree, the court decides the number (in a creditors' voluntary liquidation limited to a maximum of five). The committee meets once a month unless otherwise agreed and may be summoned at any time by the liquidator or by a member of the committee: s.249.

The general function of the committee is to work with the liquidator, to supervise his accounts, to approve the exercise of certain of his statutory powers and to fix his remuneration.  Like the liquidator himself members of the committee are in a fiduciary position and may not secure unauthorized personal advantages, e.g. by purchase of the company's assets.

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Business Law and Ethics: committee of
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