
Commitment in your personal philosophy of nursing practice

Assignment Task:

Philosophies of Nursing Practice

Now is the time to commit to a higher level of contribution and practice as a future DNP-prepared nurse and to reflect that commitment in your personal philosophy of nursing practice.

For this first Discussion of the course, you will share your initial thoughts about your personal philosophy of nursing practice. You will draw on your professional experiences, your area(s) of interest and expertise, as well as your personal beliefs. You will also challenge yourself to expand your awareness of issues beyond your own current practice. Finally, you will consider how you will fulfill Walden's mission to become an agent of positive social change as a future DNP-prepared nurse.

Note: As you work your way through this course, the image above to the upper-right will appear with each Discussion or Blog to remind you that this is an opportunity to connect your thinking with that of your colleagues, to harness the knowledge in the room, and to learn with and from one another.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week. Pay special attention to Chapters 1 and 2 of the McEwen & Wills text.
  • Reflect on your professional experiences, the expertise you have developed and are continuing to develop, and the personal beliefs about nursing practice that you have formed as a result.
  • Consider how your experiences, expertise, and personal beliefs inform the development of your personal philosophy of nursing practice.
  • Consider how your personal philosophy intersects with the four nursing domains: person, environment, health, and nursing.
  • Consider your goals and plans for expanding your awareness of issues beyond your current practice in alignment with Walden's mission for social change and the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) framework.
  • Taking all of the above into account, begin formulating your personal philosophy of nursing practice.

Post the following:

Explain your initial thinking about your personal philosophy of nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples. Include descriptions of the following:

o Your professional experiences

o Your area(s) of interest and expertise

o Your personal beliefs about nursing practice

o Your goals and plans for expanding your awareness of issues beyond your current practice in alignment with Walden's mission for social change and the SDOH framework

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Other Subject: Commitment in your personal philosophy of nursing practice
Reference No:- TGS03444247

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