Commercial aircraft accidents in the us


Simple spreadsheet compiled about the 21 commercial aircraft accidents in the US since 1972 that have at least one survivor and one death. Look at the data and crunch the numbers to determine where/if it is safer to sit in the front or the back during a flight. It's apparent looking at it that the back is safer some interesting statistical compilations.

3/3/1972 Mohawk Airline 405 Albany, NY No data 16 32 48
6/24/1975 Eastern 66 New York, NY (JFK) AFT 106 10 116
4/4/1977 Southern Airways 242 New Hope, GA No data 63 22 85
12/28/1978 United 173 Portlkand, OR AFT 8 173 181
1/13/1982 Air Florida 90 Washington, DC AFT 70 4 74
1/23/1982 World Airways 30 Boston, MA AFT 2 198 200
1/21/1985 Galaxy Airlines 203 Reno, NV FWD 70 1 71
8/2/1985 Delta 191 Dallas Fort Worth AFT 136 27 163
8/16/1987 North West 255 Detroit, MI FWD 154 1 155
4/28/1988 Aloha 243 Kahului, HI AFT 1 89 90
8/31/1988 Delta 1141 Dallas Fort Worth FWD 12 96 108
2/24/1989 United 811 Honolulu, HI AFT 9 346 355
7/19/1989 United 232 Sioux City, IA FWD 111 174 285
9/20/1989 US Air 5050 New York, NY (LaGuardia) FWD 2 55 57
1/25/1990 Avianca 52 New York, NY (JFK) No data 92 54 146
12/3/1990 North West 1482 Detroit, MI AFT 7 47 54
2/1/1991 US Airways 1493 Los Angeles, CA 19 FWD/1AFT 20 69 89
3/22/1992 US Air  405 New York, NY (LaGuardia) AFT 25 22 47
7/2/1994 US Airways 1016 Charolette, NC 15FWD/12AFT 37 14 51
7/6/1996 Delta 1288 Pensacola, FL FWD 2 146 148
6/1/1999 American Airlines 1420 Little Rock, AK 2FWD/9AFT 11 134 145

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Basic Statistics: Commercial aircraft accidents in the us
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