
Comments on relative effectiveness of various strategies


ABC Electric has been in business since 1940 and has been a non-union contractor (merit shop) from day one. The owner, a grandson of the founder, wants nothing to do with the union and likes things as they are. Generally, the work culture is healthy, but he has heard rumblings of growing discontent, particularly with respect to low wages. Your Assignment In a five-page paper (using APA formatting), discuss the strategies that you would recommend to be utilized by each side during the campaign. Use at least three academic resources, not counting your textbook, and be sure to cite them. Include in your paper: Insights on what should be avoided and what would be unlawful. Comments on the relative effectiveness of the various strategies. For the union side, discussion on concepts such as "salting." On the contractor side, be sure to include the "TIPS" strategy, as well as lawful methods of union avoidance that you can employ.

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Other Management: Comments on relative effectiveness of various strategies
Reference No:- TGS03416361

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