
Comment on the benefits of diversity in the workplace

Assignment Task 1: Case Study

Problem 1: Introduction and legislation

1. Introduction

  • Write an introduction to the report. Clearly identify the purpose of the report and what the report aims to achieve.
  • Include a definition of diversity and comment on the benefits of diversity in the workplace.

2. Legislation

2.1 Relevant legislation

  • Make a list of the applicable federal and state/territory legislation.

2.2 Protected attributes

  • Include a list of all the protected attributes or grounds for discrimination.

3. Discrimination

  • Create a statement about Kingfisher Garden Centre's position on discrimination and define the term discrimination.

3.1 Direct discrimination

  • Provide a clear definition of direct discrimination and provide examples to clarify understanding.

3.2 Indirect discrimination

  • Provide a clear definition of indirect discrimination and provide examples to clarify understanding.

3.3 Adverse actions

  • Explain what 'adverse actions' means and provide examples to clarify understanding.

3.4 Allowable discrimination

  • Explain how sometimes discrimination is allowable. Give examples that relate to the Kingfisher Garden Centre to clarify understanding.

Once completed, save your document. You don't need to submit it yet.

Problem 2: Age, gender and family diversity

  • Go to your saved document BSBDIV501 Assessment D Diversity policy report and complete Task 2.
  • Review Kingfisher's diversity policy. How could you improve the diversity policy in the following areas?

4. Age-based diversity

  • How well does it provide for age-based diversity? How could it be improved?

5. Gender diversity

  • How well does it provide for gender-based diversity? How could it be improved?

6. Parental support, including supporting women returning to the workforce after maternity leave

  • How well does it provide for family-based diversity? How could it be improved?

7. Work/life balance

  • State Kingfisher's policy stance on work/life balance and any supporting policies and procedures.
  • What strategies should be implemented to support work/life balance?

Ensure you address strategies that could support the policy. For example, if you say Kingfisher values work/life balance, what strategies will you put in place to achieve this?

Once completed, save your document. You don't need to submit it yet.

Problem 3: LGBTI, disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

  • Go to your saved document BSBDIV501 Assessment D Diversity policy report and complete Task 3.
  • Review Kingfisher's diversity policy. How could you improve the diversity policy in the following areas?

8. LGBTI community

  • How well does it provide for LGBTI diversity and how could it be improved?

9. Disability

  • How well does it provide for disability diversity and how could it be improved?

10. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

  • How well does it provide for Indigenous diversity and how could it be improved?

Ensure you address strategies to support the policy in the areas in 8, 9 and 10. For example, Kingfisher has a scholarship program for Indigenous people. How can the company encourage an uptake of this?

Problem 4: Bullying and harassment

  • Go to your saved document BSBDIV501 Assessment D Diversity policy report and complete Task 4.
  • Review Kingfisher's diversity policy. Address the following topic areas.

11. Bullying and harassment

11.1 Definitions

  • Write a clear definition of bullying and sexual harassment. Provide employees with links to websites for where they can go for support and further assistance if they feel they have been bullied or harassed.

12 Complaints and Grievance procedures

  • How could Kingfisher's current complaints and grievance procedures be improved? Create a flow chart for a complaints and grievance procedure and include it as an Appendix.

13. Conclusion

  • Now that you've got a good understanding of what should be in a diversity policy, reflect on Kingfisher's policy.
  • What areas were neglected, or not adequately addressed?
  • What are the benefits of having a policy on managing diversity?
  • What have you learnt from doing this report and studying this unit?

Assignment Problem 2: Case Study

Please read the overview of issues at Kingfisher Garden Centre:


You are required to do the following.

  • Complete Tasks 1 to 5 in the order they appear BEFORE completing SECTION Two.

Problem 1:

1. Identify and list the core issues in the team in relation to the Kingfisher Gardens Diversity Policy.

2. Review the Complaints and Grievance Handling Procedure you created in Assessment C Problem 4.

3. For each issue, outline the actions you will take to manage these complaints and allegations, and ensure all parties involved understand the Kingfisher Garden Centre Diversity Policy and resolve the issue/s. This must include managing tensions between the parties and encouraging them to respect each other's differences. It must also include identifying and addressing any training needs in relation to diversity and respect for others in the workplace.

Problem 2:

Explain how you can ensure that all personnel involved in recruitment and selection of staff aim for diversity in the following steps of the recruitment and selection process:

1. Writing job descriptions

2. Writing and placing job advertisements

3. Reviewing resumes and applications

4. Interviewing

5. Selecting the successful applicant

Problem 3:

1. Develop a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) for all Kingfisher Garden Centre employees to complete regarding their understanding of the Kingfisher Garden Centre Diversity Policy. The TNA must include at least six questions of topics.

2. Develop a training plan to address any identified training needs by recreating and completing the following table:

Problem 4:

Design a poster that can be put on the wall of the staff room, kitchen and other place around the Kingfisher Garden Centre to promote diversity in the workplace and show that working effectively with difference is a strength that can improve the organisation's products, services and customer relations.

Problem 5:

Develop a feedback form to be completed by all Kingfisher Garden Centre staff to gain their ideas and feedback on how to improve products and service. The form should include an introduction/instruction to encourage staff to value and embrace their differences and use their ideas as a way to improve competitive advantage.


Make a small presentation of this role play in MS WORD

This assessment will be conducted in the RGIT classroom in a simulated work environment.

Your assessor will form you into a group with two other students.

You will each take turns playing the role of the Kingfisher Garden Centre Manager and present SECTION of the Kingfisher Garden Centre Diversity Policy to the other two students who will play the roles of team members. You should also include the improvements you have suggested and relevant legislation.

You can choose which SECTION of the policy you would like to present from the following:

  • Anti-discrimination fair practises and behaviours
  • Diversity strategies when recruiting
  • Flexible work policy
  • Employee education assistance policy? Grievance policy and procedure

You are required to ensure both students (as team members) understand the policies and see the value of diversity in the workplace.

Your assessor will complete the Observation Checklist below to record your communication and interaction skills during each roleplay.

It is expected that each role play will take approximately 20 minutes.

Please ensure you review the Observation Checklist before you commence your presentation so that you are fully prepared and know exactly what is expected of you.

Please submit the completed Observation checklist as evidence of this task.

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Business Management: Comment on the benefits of diversity in the workplace
Reference No:- TGS03055354

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