
Comment on how this equation helps provide a basis for


Please read the directions included in the syllabus for participating in the Graded Discussions. You must first create your original post to the Graded Discussion than read and respond to other post.

After completing chapters one and two (read text, Interactive Presentation in connect Accounting, Text Assignments in Connect Accounting) participate in this Graded Discussion.

A = L + E

The foundation of Critical Thinking in Accounting is the fundamental equation A = L + E. Comment on how this equation helps provide a basis for thinking critically about financial events. How will this equation be of use to you in your professional and personal activities?

Provide supportive discussion for which of the components of the equation is the most important.

Include your name in all thread titles Students are expected to contribute to discussions in a thoughtful, meaningful way. Each post must have at least 5 sentences

You must post a minimum of 3 times (your initial post and 2 responses)

Each post must be made on at least 2 different days

All post are due by the date of the exam the discussion relates to. No points are received after the due date. A very important part of participating in the Discussion Forum is to provide your fellow students with your initial post within the stated time frame so they can respond. The other part of the Discussion Forum is your responding to your fellow students within the stated time frame.

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Financial Accounting: Comment on how this equation helps provide a basis for
Reference No:- TGS02637938

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