Command-Line options
C++: ./compress -f myfile.txt [-o myfile.hzip -s
Java: sh -f myfile.txt [-o myfile.hzip -s]
C++: ./decompress -f myfile.hzip[-r -v]
Java: sh -f myfile.hzip [-o myfile.txt -s]
The command-line options that are within the square bracket are optional. The option \-f" precedes the input le name, which always has a .txt extension. The \-s" option prints statistics, such as for compression it prints, how many distinct characters are there, what is the compression ratio, and the wall clock time that it took for performing the compression task. For decompression, it prints how many character were written, and the wall clock time it took for performing the decompression task. The \-o" option precedes the name of an output le. If the output file name is not given, then we will append .hzip at the end of the input filename to create the output filename.