
Combinational versus sequential circuits


(Combinational versus Sequential Circuits)

Which of the following contain circuits that are likely to be combinational and which contain sequential circuits? Explain your rationale.

(a) A washing machine that sequences through the soak, wash, and spin cycles for preset periods of time.

(b) A circuit that divides two 2-bit numbers to yield a quotient and a remainder.

(c) A machine that takes a dollar bill and gives three quarters, two dimes, and a nickel in change, one at a time through a single coin change slot.

(d) A digital alarm clock that generates an alarm when a preset time has been reached.

(e) A circuit that takes as input two decimal numbers in the range from 0 to 9, outputs a 0 if they are different, and a 1 if they are identical.

(f) A circuit that turns on or off a hall light based on the configuration of two input switches. If both Switches are in the same position, the light is off. If they are in different positions the light is on.

(g) A circuit that takes a sequence of bits, one bit at a time, and outputs a 0 or 1 after each bit that indicates if the number of is in the sequence seen so far is even or odd, respectively.

(h) A circuit with two binary inputs and four binary outputs that works as follows. The binary input indicates which of the four outputs should be driven to a 1 with the other outputs set to 0.

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Electrical Engineering: Combinational versus sequential circuits
Reference No:- TGS01896781

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