
Combinational and sequential logic circuits

Question 1: Interpret manufacturer’s data sheet to select appropriate combinational logic devices for specific purposes.

Combinational logics such as AND, OR, NOT, NAND and NOR are used to design and build full adder and comparator logic circuits. Use manufacturer’s data sheets to select logic gates used in the design and building of:

• A two binary digits full adder
• A one bit magnitude comparator.

Question 2: Compare the characteristics of similar devices using different technologies

Logic families include Diode-Transistor Logic (DTL) technology, Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) technology and Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic (CMOS) technology. Using the datasheets included in Question 1:

A) List and define of the characteristics and technical parameters of any two similar devices (AND, OR, NOT) manufactured by two manufacturers and state the technology used.

B) Compare 3 of these characteristics and parameters of two similar devices manufactured by two different manufacturers.

C) Support your answers with data obtained from the devices manufacturer’s datasheets.
Question 3: Design, construct and test combinational circuits.

A) Express the function of the following truth table as a sum of products. Simplify the function using Boolean algebra and implement it using combinational AND, OR and NOT gates.

A    B    C    F
0    0    0    0
0    0    1    0
0    1    0    1
0    1    1    1
1    0    0    0
1    0    1    1
1    1    0    0
1    1    1    1

B) Using combinational logic gates design and construct a two digits full adder. Write the expression of the functions of the full adder (Sum, Ci and Co). Illustrate these functions using the truth table.

C) Build and test in the lab the full adder circuit designed in above question. Illustrate the results of your testing with photographs taken during the experiment.
Question 4: Use computer software packages to simulate logic circuits

Using a computer software package, simulate the logic circuits designed and tested in Question 3. Provide screenshots for all the possible inputs and outputs of the circuit simulated using the computer software. Validate results (measurements) obtained in task three using the computer simulation. Explain the method of simulation and comments on the simulation results.

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Electrical Engineering: Combinational and sequential logic circuits
Reference No:- TGS0879

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