
Com107 introduction to communication - video - informative

Project Overview:

This project consists of two parts: a written outline and a presentation video. You will develop a detailed outline in preparation for your speech, then present an informative speech on the topic of your choice. Your speech will be submitted through the unit discussion board.

Video Instructions:
The intent/focus of your speech should be to inform the audience on a topic of your choosing. Keep in mind and incorporate all lectures/activities leading up to the presentation. Your presentation must be supported by a minimum of three credible sources - this excludes personal experience. You may record the video using your cell phone, webcam or camcorder.

The length of the speech should be 5 minutes and include:
1. A clear visual aid
2. An attention getter
3. A thesis
4. A preview of main points
5. In speech citations of supporting materials (say them out loud during your speech)
6. A summary of points in the conclusion
7. A memorable ending

Optional: If you choose to, you can use a PowerPoint presentation along with your speech (5 slide limit). Use the following tutorial to help you combine your video with your PowerPoint presentation using a free app called Bandicam.

- Pay attention to your presentation style. Be sure to speak loudly and clearly so the audience can hear you.
- Record your video in a small, quiet space with plenty of light and be sure there is no audio feedback on the recording.
- Position yourself in the center of the frame so your facial expressions and other

body language are in clear view.
- Pay attention to the time requirements and stay within the limits.
- Prepare your speech and practice it a few times.

7- Day Speech Development and Delivery Checklist:
- Monday - Choose a topic and create a thesis draft.
- Tuesday - Gather research, refine your topic and thesis statement.
- Wednesday - Refine your research and begin an outline draft.
- Thursday - Refine your outline, research (citations), and final thesis.
- Friday - Practice your speech in front of a mirror, touch up your outline, and create speaking notes.
- Saturday - Practice your speech to an audience (stuffed animals, Russian dolls, or action figures will work if you don't have a human audience available- be creative). Refine your speech.
- Sunday - Deliver your speech on camera and post it to Blackboard. Use your full body by either standing or sitting. This ensures that you can use gestures and visual aids effectively.

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Business Management: Com107 introduction to communication - video - informative
Reference No:- TGS02821348

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