
Com107 introduction to communication - post university -

Outline - Informative Speech Project

Project Overview:

This project consists of two parts: a written outline and a presentation video. You will develop a detailed outline in preparation for your speech, then present an informative speech on the topic of your choice. Your outline will be submitted through the unit assignment link.

Outline Instructions:
You should address the following elements in your informative speech outline:

General Information

1. Title/Topic
2. General Purpose
a. The general purpose of any speech will be to either inform, persuade or entertain

3. Specific Purpose
a. The specific purpose is a one-sentence statement that includes the objective you want to accomplish in your speech.
b. A good specific purpose statement is audience centered, agrees with the general purpose, addresses one main idea, and is realistic.
c. Try beginning your specific purpose with, "By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about...."

4. Thesis Statement
a. The thesis statement is a one sentence summary of the central idea of your speech that you either explain or defend.
b. A good thesis statement is declarative, agrees with your general and specific purpose, and focuses and narrows your topic.


1. Attention Getter
a. You can use humor, cite a startling fact/statistic, use a quotation, ask a question, or tell a story.
b. Be sure your attention getter is appropriate for the topic and audience.

2. Introduction of Topic
a. This should be a one-sentence statement and should come early in the introduction of your speech.

3. Credibility and Relevance
a. Mention any training, expertise, credentials, firsthand experience, or personal interest related to your topic.
b. Tell the audience why they should care about your speech! Be sure the audience understands the benefits of listening and the relevance of the information to them.

4. Preview Statement
a. The preview statement should narrow your introduction of the topic down to the main ideas you will focus on in your speech.
b. The preview statement should be one sentence and preview the main points in the same sequence/order you discuss them in your speech.

5. Transition Sentence
a. This should be the transition sentence you plan to use to move into or introduce the first main point in the body of your speech.


1. Main Point #1
a. Supporting Materials/Evidence
b. Supporting Materials/Evidence
c. Transition Sentence

2. Main Point #2
a. Supporting Materials/Evidence
b. Supporting Material/Evidence
c. Transition Sentence

3. Main Point #3
a. Supporting Materials/Evidence
b. Supporting Materials/Evidence
c. Transition Sentence


1. Transition to Conclusion and Summary of Importance
a. This is the "take-away" message, or other place where you can answer the "so what?" question.
b. This can often be a rewording of your thesis statement.

2. Review of Main Points
a. The review of main points is very similar to the preview of main points in the introduction.

3. Closing Statement
a. Do not put an artificial end to your speech! ("that's all I have" "that's it" "thank you")
b. The closing statement should relate to the overall speech and should provide some "take-away" message that may leave an audience thinking about your topic.

1. List a minimum of three academic references/sources you will use in proper APA format.

1. List what visuals you plan to use and how they will be incorporated/integrated into your speech.

7- Day Speech Development and Delivery Checklist:
- Monday - Choose a topic and create a thesis draft.
- Tuesday - Gather research, refine your topic and thesis statement.
- Wednesday - Refine your research and begin an outline draft.
- Thursday - Refine your outline, research (citations), and final thesis.
- Friday - Practice your speech in front of a mirror, touch up your outline, and create speaking notes.
- Saturday - Practice your speech to an audience (stuffed animals, Russian dolls, or action figures will work if you don't have a human audience available- be creative). Refine your speech.
- Sunday - Deliver your speech on camera and post it to Blackboard. Use your full body by either standing or sitting. This ensures that you can use gestures and visual aids effectively.

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Business Management: Com107 introduction to communication - post university -
Reference No:- TGS02814378

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