
Com 360 spring 2017 research outline assignment gender

Research Outline Assignment

Your task for this assignment is to choose a topic and identify (1) theory(-ies), and (2) initial literature, for the proposed research project. In this class, by research we mean social scientific research that allows you to go beyond the literature review, i.e. gather original data and make new contributions to the body of knowledge. You can choose among the three provided topics. Choose one topic, read about it, then thoughtfully and carefully answer the five questions bellow. Your citations (both in the text and in the reference list) should follow APA style. Your typed responses should also follow APA style set forth in the 6th edition, including, but not limited to:

  • Double-spaced lines
  • 1" margins on all sides
  • 12-point, Times New Roman font
  • Numbered pages

In answering the questions, look for original studies and for recent research (2013-2016).

This is an individual assignment. You can brainstorm ideas with your classmates, but the paper must be written by you alone. Your typed responses should not exceed 2 pages; the page limit does not include the reference list. Avoid quotations; summarize the studies in your own words. You have to be concise and precise, so choose your words carefully. Your responses must be handed in before the start of class on the assigned due date and submitted through Blackboard.

1. What is the focus/area for your proposed study?

You may choose one topic among the following:

(A) Role of culture in public relations. The role of culture in communication is undeniable. Public relations scholars suggested different ways of looking at how culture influences public relations. For example, Sriramesh and Vercic (2003) edited a whole book with chapters covering public relations practices in different parts of the world. Culture may influences different aspects of public relations work such as crisis communication, strategic management, social media, and media relations, to name a few.

(B) Gender, power and public relations. A number of public relations scholars focused on the experiences of women in communication fields. A lot of those studies were conducted in the United States, with limited research in this part of the world. You may focus on a range of issues within this topic.

(C) Public diplomacy is communication between a government and international publics. Public diplomacy has to do with an image of a country internationally. As a relatively new field, public diplomacy offers a range of research opportunities. One interesting area of research is perception of female leaders internationally. Another interesting study would be the use of women empowerment as a way to create a positive image of a country.

2. What is the research problem?

Summarize the information that you found on the topic, and provide a background for your proposed study, referring to original and recent (2012-2014) studies. Then, explain what is the research problem, i.e. why do we need to study this particular phenomenon. Who will it benefit?

3. What is the name of the theory/model you can use in this study?

Every good research begins with a theory. Theories are the foundation of investigations because theories explain processes and help researchers make predictions about the processes they investigate. Theories also provide guidance about such details as how the study should be conducted, which variables should be measured, and who the participants should be. Indeed, it may be nearly impossible to design a study then hunt for a theory to fit to your investigation.

As you read previous studies on the topic, pay attention to the theories used in that research. Write down the name of 1-2 theories, or concepts, that you found particularly useful. Explain shortly.

4. What research question or a hypothesis would you pose?

State clearly in the end of your paper. Be specific. If it is a hypothesis, make sure that the variables are clear. If it is a research question, make sure it is clear and specific.

For example, if I am interested in the coverage of terrorism in BBC news, and I decide to use the framing theory, my research question can be: RQ: Which frames does BBC news use to talk about terrorism events in France?

References - Sriramesh, K., and Vercic, D. (Eds.). (2003). The Global Public Relations Handbook. London: Routledge.

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