
Collectively accountable for using complimentary skills

A team is a group of people holding themselves collectively accountable for using complimentary skills to achieve a common purpose. Teamwork occurs when team members live up to their collective3 accountability for goal accomplishment. A class can resemble a team considering the "Must Have" contributions by Team Members: Encouraging and motivating others, listening to different points of view, communicating information and ideas, persuading others to cooperate, etc. As a class we learn and develop the knowledge together, so as a "team" we learn together.

There a different types of teams, for example, there are NBA basketball teams that claim it's "teamwork effect" that creates wins because players know each others moves and playing tendencies. Another form of a team can be a hospital operating room where doctors spend more time working together with memebers of surgery teams. It's not only the surgeon's skills but it's the skills of the team.

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Business Management: Collectively accountable for using complimentary skills
Reference No:- TGS099820

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