
collection of cerebro-spinal fluid

Collection of Cerebro-spinal Fluid (CSF)

Examination of the CSF is one of the most useful laboratory procedures in neurological diagnosis.

Four types of punctures may be made to collect' the CSF. These are:

  1. Lumbar puncture 
  2. Ventricular puncture 
  3. Cistemal puncture 
  4. Subdural puncture 

Now let us know the meaning of each one of the above procedures.

  1. Lumbar puncture is the withdrawal of CSF from the lumbar vertebral space. 
  2. ventricular puncture is the removal of CSF from the ventricles in the brain through the coronal suture or anterior fontanelle. 
  3. Cisternal puncture is the removal of CSF from the cistema magna at the nape of the neck. 
  4. Subdural puncture is the removal of CSF from the subdural space between the arachnoid and the duramater.

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Biology: collection of cerebro-spinal fluid
Reference No:- TGS0176459

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