Collection of Blood
It is a procedure done routinely for diagnosis. It can be done in various ways.
1) Capillary Sampling
- The heel is the most useful area in newborns.
- The third finger is the common site in older children.
- The skin is to be cleaned.
- A single deep, vertical stab is given.
The area must not be squeezed, since it causes hemolysis.
ii) Venipuncture
In the older child, the superficial veins may be used.
The different sites are:
- Veins of the extremities, especially the arm and hand.
- External jugular vein.
- Femoral vein.
- Scalp vein.
- Restraining firmly to immobilise the site of venipuncture.
- Cleaning of selected site with alcohol.
- The needed specimen is collected by venipuncture and pressure is applied to the puncture site with a dry gauze.