collationcollation is the first task in the


Collation is the first task in the binding processes. All the parts and the pages of a volume have to be correctly sequenced. In the case of periodicals, collation is very important as  it involves correct sequencing of the separate issues and insertion of usual title and content and index pages in the proper places. While binding worn out, torn, soiled and damaged books, special care has to be taken while collating: It is to be ensured that the paging sequence is in order and that no page is either defective or missing. Collation is a difficult job in the case of manuscripts and other printed books as they are generally not paged. 

If a book is  to be rebound it must be 'pulled'. Pulling is the process of separating cover from text and removing old threads,  tapes and glue which is often a tedious process. If folds of old books are damaged, a 'guard' would be necessary. 'Guard' is a narrow strip of paper used to repair a damaged for or to attach a plate or a single leaf. Special techniques are employed in guarding and mounting maps and folded sheets.  

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Management Theories: collationcollation is the first task in the
Reference No:- TGS0177319

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